Hello Division 4 families:

For those of you who have indicated that your child will be returning to school next week.  It is crucial that you read ALL the information sent by the school and myself (below) very carefully.

The safety of students and staff remains our number one priority.  Accordingly, it is very important that parents and families adhere to the following measures:

  • Parents/families need to stay with your child(ren) until the teacher arrives so that they can do a daily health check.
  • Parents/families need to pick up and drop off their child(ren) at the exact times listed below.
  • Please only bring essential items to school:
    • lunch, snack, water bottle.
    • a novel (if you have one) that you are reading
    • school supplies and paper that you need to work with/on (the school will NOT be allowing “sharing” of school supplies – please be prepared)

The schedule below shows Division 4’s drop off and pick up times, as well as the location for entry.  Signs will be posted at the entry locations.

The cohort, schedule, drop-off and pick-up times for Divsion 4 students. You must know your cohort! (Please check your email for this information).

Cohort Drop Off Time Pick-Up Time Location for Drop Off and Pick Up
Division 4B Thursdays & Fridays @ 9:15 a.m. Thursdays & Fridays   @ 3:15 p.m.

North Door (by staff parking)


Division 4D Thursdays @ 9:15 a.m. Thursdays  @ 3:15 p.m. North Door (by staff parking)

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, patience and understanding.

If you have indicated in the survey that your child WON’T be returning to school and your circumstances change, please contact Ms. Yamamoto directly before sending your child to school.  Also, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the “return to school” please contact Ms. Yamamoto.


As always, we hope this finds you and your loved ones safe & healthy.