Good morning, friends!

We’ve come to the end of Week 3 (April 20-24) and I wanted to recap the work we’ve done this week, including some of the “due dates” that, as usual, fall to the end of the week.

This week we started up Math Groups. Students are now working with their previous Math teacher and are to be working on Math work assigned by their teachers. Most are working with a learning platform known as Sumdog, which begins with a diagnostic tool to assess their current understanding of Math concepts and facts. From there, teachers assign work based on their curriculum learning objectives. Most teachers are beginning with a review of concepts last worked on before Spring Break. Teachers can see how much time students have spent on their Sumdog work and reminded that they are to be spending a suggested minimum of 100 minutes a week. This week reminders were sent to families.

Language Arts work this week included:

  • The Canadian Reader, Assignment #3 (due today Friday, Apr. 23)
  • Reading Log and Daily Journal entries (due today Friday, Apr. 23)
  • Daily Haikus (to accompany photos taken outside) – one per day (please post today!)
  • Lit Circle meetings and discovery of a new novels. Ongoing throughout the week.

Flex work this week included:

  • Wrap up of Science investigations; post picture to TEAMS of experiment, including the “testable question” and a hypothesis statement. (due today Friday, Apr. 23)
  • Photo Journal Haiku – one a day posted to the FLEX channel.

Further to this, I’ve been posting additional “Daily Physical Activities“, such as yoga and Tai Chi exercises to our Team SharePoint page, in my Daily Messages. Students, go here!

Student participation has been sporadic, with some students forgetting about their commitments to their Lit Circle group, and some not responding to student or teacher contact/email.

Please remind your child to login to Teams every morning to check on the activities required for the day. A routine that begins in the morning is best, so they students and their families can plan the day accordingly. I understand we are all doing our best in the unprecedented time.

Families, I wish you all a happy end of the week and time together outside, if you can, over the weekend.

Stay well (and stay tuned),

Ms. L