Daily updates:

Thursday, April 16th

Ms. Lanaway continues to hone her TEAMS skills, and I imagine all of you are too! What’s new? I’ve placed today’s Math Challenge in the Math Challenge channel on Div. 4’s Team page and students can now post their responses to the challenge right in the post (hit reply). I’ve also figured out how to make announcements in the general page that links to today’s Morning Messages found in our SharePoint page.

Student continue to work on the Home Learning Plan for the week. If they’ve finished all due assignments (usually due at the end of the week), they can look to the daily math challenges and daily physical activities posted to morning messages in SharePoint.

Wednesday, April 15th

This week’s Home Learning Plan has been posted to the Teams sight and can be found in Files. As usual, students are to sign into their Office365 accounts, check email, respond to requests, and then go to Teams to look for chats they’re a part of (Ex. lit circle groups and Tribe groups that have been set up as Channels).

Everyday students should be going to the SharePoint page where I have set new tasks if they are done all of their week-long assignments. They will find daily math and DPA challenges. They are reminded to write a new Daily Journal entry.

Parents/families: please check your email for an invitation to sign into your new Epic! Books account. On the Language Arts page of the Lounge, I’ve explained how you can get into your RAZ kids account. Email me if you have questions!

Getting into your reading accounts:

I have set up two reading accounts for each student in Division 4. Visit our Language Arts page for instructions on how to get into RAZ Kids and Epic! Books.

Tuesday, April 14th

Good morning, Division 4 families! This week we start Phase 3: Implementation of our home learning program. The district has suggested that Grade 5 students do a 30/30/30 ratio of literacy (Language arts), numeracy (Math) and flex time (integrated studies focusing on well-being and connection). For Grade 6, the ratio is 40/40/40.

Each week, I will provide the following:

  • Daily updates for families in the blog (here in Lanaway’s Lounge). Each week, I will make a new post labelled by week, such as this one – Week 2, which will be updated daily. Students and families can check the Lounge for updates.
  • a Home Learning Plan that lays out the suggested activities for the week. Students are to find this in Teams, uploaded to Files.

Students are expected to log into Office365 and check the Div. 4 Team site for assignments and further communication, including my Morning Messages (posted videos).

If you have any questions as to the expectations and process, please do not hesitate to ask!

This week…

We will start the week with a class meeting, Tuesday at 1:00 pm, in TEAMS. Students have been sent an invite. I hope to see many of you! (So far, only 9 people have responded).

We will continue to hone our technological skills and will be discussing Digital Citizenship, something we’ve already talked about as a class, but will revisit. Students are reminded that communication through Office365 is shared and viewed by multiple teachers, include Ms. Yamamoto. Communication should be respectful and focused on shared learning within the “classroom”.

We will also be starting our Lit Circle and Tribe meetings this week by Team conference. These are being organized by the Lit Circle leader and Tribe Captain. Please respond to their emails so they can find the right time for everyone.

These conferences are not to start without me, so that I can moderate. Students can choose to use video or just audio, as they wish. If video is used, students are asked to be mindful of what they have in the background. I suggest they find a quiet place and consider what is behind them.

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!

Stay well (and stay tuned!)