Day: 28 September 2019

Orange Shirt Day is Monday, Sept. 30th

We will be conducting a special Orange Shirt Day gathering on Monday. We have special guests speaking and Div. 4 will present our Say Something paddles. Please dress appropriately and if you have an orange shirt, you are invited to wear it.

A reminder that this is one of our more solemn events – O Canada will not be sung and clapping will not be expected. Thank you, in advance!

Cover Predictions past due!

Hey friends,

This morning finds me feeling a little bit better and able to spend some time marking your first piece of writing – Cover Predictions. I am still looking for predictions from: Janell, Frederick, Fran, and Josie. I do have a couple predictions without a name on them, so if this is you, please come see me Monday morning.

Have a happy weekend!

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