Month: September 2019

Orange Shirt Day is Monday, Sept. 30th

We will be conducting a special Orange Shirt Day gathering on Monday. We have special guests speaking and Div. 4 will present our Say Something paddles. Please dress appropriately and if you have an orange shirt, you are invited to wear it.

A reminder that this is one of our more solemn events – O Canada will not be sung and clapping will not be expected. Thank you, in advance!

Cover Predictions past due!

Hey friends,

This morning finds me feeling a little bit better and able to spend some time marking your first piece of writing – Cover Predictions. I am still looking for predictions from: Janell, Frederick, Fran, and Josie. I do have a couple predictions without a name on them, so if this is you, please come see me Monday morning.

Have a happy weekend!

New Opportunity for Cross-Country Runners!

On Sunday, September 29th (this upcoming weekend), Swangard Stadium is hosting ‘The Inaugural 5K Rainforest Trail Run.’  The event is organized by the Achilles Society and they have kindly offered complimentary registration for all 2019 JOS Cross Country Participants (students and teachers)!
For free registration, go online and follow the instructions.  When you get to the Waiver page, enter RFTRCOMP in the “Event Coupon Code” field.

Welcome to your new class community!

Welcome new parents and students to Div. 4 (2019-2020)!!

I have sent home three notices for your child to review with you.

  1. An introductory letter (pink) to my class with information on how to get to Lanaway’s Lounge (Yay! You found it!). On the back is the list of School Supplies required for this school year. Please get these as soon as you can, as we will be needing many of these items immediately.
  2. Welcome letter (pink) from Maywood with options to purchase Maywood hoodies and t-shirts with our new logo. Optional
  3. Reminder to bring $5 for the class planner. Required

I look forward to getting to you all (parents and students); we have an exciting year ahead of us! Please feel free to visit, call, or email if you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.

~ Ms. Lanaway

The time has come…

Div. 4 students from 2018-2019, we will have our last community circle this Monday, Sept. 9th in the morning – see you in “homeroom”. We will say our goodbyes and then at 9:30(ish), we will send you to your new classrooms!

I’m excited for your new year to begin, and while I’m sad to see you go (We had such a great year!), I’m excited for what’s to come for you!

Please come visit me anytime! My door is always open should you ever need an extra listening ear.

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