Month: September 2018

Number the Stars!

We will be starting our read aloud this week, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. PLEASE DO NOT READ AHEAD – it will interfere with our PREDICTION making!

But, you can look ahead at our WORD WALL. These are terms that are used in the book that I want you to know the meaning of and be able to use them in a sentence.

To get to our word wall, go to LANGUAGE ARTS, then NOVELS, then find the link for Number the Stars. Here is a shortcut!

I hope you enjoy this novel as much as I have!

Welcome Division 4!!

By now you’re all in your classes and beginning new routines! Welcome to Lanaway’s Lounge!

Please keep up to date with classroom news – updates and reminders of upcoming events, assignment deadlines, and other responsibilities. I’ll be posting artwork and other success stories! 

Please keep an eye out for the Digital Citizenship – Social Media Guidelines form that has gone home with your child. We can not begin to work with the Google Classroom until I have all parent/guardian signatures for permission.

Other reminders:

  • All school supplies need to be in by this Friday
  • Student verification forms – signed and in by this Friday
  • Computer permissions form – signed and in by this Friday
  • Next week: Welcoming Conversations are happening next Wed + Thur. Please have your form for available time to come into the classroom returned by this Friday as well. 

Phew! Lots to have ready by this Friday!

We are hitting the road running… And speaking of which… Cross Country running is going ahead this year. Please listen to morning announcements for when to meet and learn about practices and upcoming meets.


Welcome back to school!

I’m so excited to see your smiley, happy faces! 

This week the intermediates will be rotating through the classes, giving students and teachers the opportunity to meet each other and ease back into the school year, while administration sort out new enrolling students and finalize class lists. This week we begin to set our minds and hearts to a new year of fun and learning!

* This week, don’t forget to bring pencil crayons, pens/pencils, calculator, ruler, scissors, a case to put it all in, as well as a water bottle and back pack!

Week at a glance:

Tue: Ms. Lanaway’s Div. 4 Grade 7’s for one hour only (Rm. 112)

Wed: Ms. L’s Gr. 7’s go to Ms. Sanderson’s class (Rm 205) for Home Room for the rest of the week. Ms. Lee’s grade 5/6’s come to me for HR (Rm. 112). Rotations 1 + 2

Thur: Rotations 3 + 4

Fri: Rotation 5. Star Assembly @ 1:15pm

Monday, Sept. 10th students are assigned to their classrooms for the year (hopefully!)

**Ms. Lanaway’s school supplies list remains much the same to all intermediate teachers’ supply list. See attached document. School Supplies List_2018


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