What better way to kick off the school year with a field trip to Deer Lake, followed by an afternoon of Meeting Maywood’s Leaders!

Wednesday, Oct 4th, we’ll be accompanying our little buddies to Deer Lake for a full day field trip. We will be playing forest games and walking along the lake, enjoying the last of the warm weather. Please dress for VARIABLE weather. That means: layers, rain coats if it looks like rain, and sunscreen if it looks like sun. Always proper foot wear, and of course snacks, lunch, and a water bottle. 

Hot lunch students: you will be provided with a bagged lunch for the day; usually a cheese sandwich (or bun), piece of fruit and juice box. You may want to supplement this lunch with extra snacks if your child is big eater!

I’m looking for a volunteer or two to join us this day. Please contact me if you would like to come, or have any other questions. kerri.lanaway@sd41.bc.ca