I have lots thing I like to do. I like to play video games. My favorite video games is Block N Load, is a games you can download at steam and it’s free .I like to play this game because this game is fun and you can play multiplayer ,you choose someone and you kill another player. This game is all block so is like Minecraft, you can build blocks to protect your turret and someone need to destroy another player’s turret.

I like to play sport too, my favourite sport is badminton. I have lesson every Friday, and I play badminton every Sunday. Every time when we play badminton my aunt drive me and my brother to where we play badminton, we like to play badminton, but I’m not so good at badminton so I ask my parent can I have a badminton lesson, and my parent agree. So now I have badminton lesson now.

This two is my favourite thing to do.