Hello my name is Marko, and I will tell you some tricks/pranks to pull on your friends without too much cleanup! My 1st is to find a medium sized bucked and fill it with water, then but it carefully on top of a door that leads to a room that people commonly go to. Then when they open the door they will get SPLASHED!!! My second prank is to Take the eggs from someone’s refrigerator and hard-boil them. Then put them back where you found them. Can work well when camping, only do a few if you want breakfast! My 3rd prank is to Fold the flat sheet on the bed double and tuck in securely on the sides, when the person get into bed they can’t go further than half way! My 4th prank Works well with someone that speaks on their Office Telephone a lot. Place a small piece of clear tape over the speaker part of the handset. Watch how your pranked friend gets seriously annoyed with the phone and the people on the other end! Add some extra office noise! For more Fun remove the tape for a while then stick it back – continue this on and off throughout the day! My 5th prank is to tell a friend that you know a great trick. Put your hand palm-down on the table and balance a full glass of liquid) on the back of your hand. Bet your friend that they can’t balance a glass on both hands at once (help your friend to put them in place). As soon as you have the glasses balanced on the prospects hands, stand up and walk out. They will be trapped and will have to spill to escape.

Thanks you for reading this article! Hopefully this was useful and will help you prank people!

This was really fun to write and for some pranks I got inspiration from YouTube videos!

By Marko