The 2 things I mostly do when I’m stressed is cool off and breath but I do have other strategies that I use.

When I’m dealing with stress and it doesn’t involve a friend or in other words a conflict I like to put on my headphones, play some songs in my playlist, and pretty much just relax. This helps me because I really love music to play, to sing, and to listen, just listening to songs makes me way more relax than sitting there doing nothing.

When I’m really stressed and I feel that I’m going to explode I know 2 people that will understand and that had gone through this type of problems before: my parents, I feel that when I talk to my mom or my dad I feel that I’m not the only one that has gone through something stressful and difficult and that make me feel way better.

In conclusion I feel that being by myself and talking to the people that understand could really help me relax and calm down if I’m stressed out. Maybe you can try these 2 thing to help you in difficult times.