“Greatness lies not in being strong but in the right use of strength. He is greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by attraction of his own.”

I think that August deserves the Henry Ward Beecher Medal because he has perseverance, and most importantly, he is kind.

August has perseverance because even when he was being bullied, he kept on going to school. Well, first of all, even though he was scared to go to school just because of his appearance he still kept going because he wanted to learn more and make friends. Remember August was being bullied by the big kids at camp, his sleeves on his sweatshirt were ripped off and he lost his hearing aid? Just imagine, what it would be like to experience that. I know other kids have experienced worse, but, in his ‘condition’.  Just imagine an older, stronger person calling you an alien in front of all of your friends, in my opinion, I’d be pretty embarrassed!  Then they attempt to beat you up, but even though this was one of the most intense scenes that August has experienced. Auggie was very, very brave. He showed all of his characteristics. He showed perseverance because, he didn’t run away like a baby (because he was he was scared out of his pants) and he was kind. How? He didn’t insult them. He didn’t step down to their level (maybe because he was too scared to talk. And he couldn’t hear because he didn’t have his hearing aids.)

August is kind because even if there were some mean children in his class and school, he made them realize that what they did and do was wrong and this made them a better person. For example, when Jack was talking to Julian about August, he said some pretty mean stuff. But no matter what, August still forgave him and they are now close friends.

This has been why I think August Pullman is deserving of the Henry Ward Beecher Medal, though he is a persevering and kind young man, he is many more.