There are a lot of things that are good and bad about basketball but today I will talking to you guys about some embarrassing things that can happen in a basketball game. Before I talk about some embarrassing things in a basketball game I need to remind you guys that even if something embarrassing does happen to you have to remember that the game is still going on and that the game doesn’t end till that last buzzer/whistle sounds so until then you have to keep playing and suck it up.

I have got embarrassed a lot ever since I started playing but I didn’t quit because I love basketball so much. I will try and remind you that if you are doing something you really love, give it 100% because if you are trying to succeed in that sport or hobby you are doing you have to give it 100% because if you give it 90% that other 10% might affect you in the long run.

Finally the part you have all been waiting for… Some embarrassing things that can happen in a basketball game.

The first thing you shouldn’t do is you shouldn’t make your opponent angry because if you do he might take out all your anger on you and that can cause a very embarrassing moment. The second thing that can happen in a game is that you can air ball (Air balling a shot means that the ball doesn’t touch the rim or net when you shoot it.) Air balling a shot isn’t bad it’s just that you can get embarrassed because people might yell out “AIR BALL!” and that can make you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. Another thing that can happen is when you play got defence you could get ankle broken (getting ankle broken means that the opposing defender makes you fall because of a dribble move.) When you get ankle broken everyone starts yelling, “OOOOOOOOOH” or “EXPOSE HIM.” Trust me getting ankle broken isn’t fun, unless you’re the guy who breaks someone else’s ankles. Another thing you shouldn’t do in a basketball game is you should try and not miss a wide open lay-up. Missing a wide open lay-up is pretty embarrassing because it is WIDE OPEN, literally nobody is going to block you. I’ll be honest I missed wide open lay-ups before and I got embarrassed but remember what I said last time “The game is still going on and the game doesn’t end until that final buzzers goes off, so until then you have to forget it and keep playing.”

That is all I have for now and I hope that you guys will remember these tips when you play basketball. Remember, whenever you get embarrassed don’t put your head down and keep playing! Thanks for reading this blog hope you enjoyed!