I got confused when I am drawing anime, and I can’t draw what I’ve thought. If I want to draw a girl jumping, what I’ve drawing down the girl jumping, I could draw her bending her knees and nothing else—I can’t even call that          “jumping”. And I am pretty bad on drawing hands. What I thought is it looks like they are chicken legs.

What I first thought is—I should read (watch) more manga book or animation, but first of all, I didn’t have that much money and I don’t know where sells manga, and library’s books is not that comfortable for me to learn. Second of all that my phone has a Chinese app called “bilibili”, it have many anime in it, but the app says that bilibili was a Chinese app, so I can’t watch many anime because I am not in China.

I need more practice! I always say it to myself, but when I’ve done drawing many people, it looks like they are all the same, because I don’t know how to draw the activities that people doing.

The good thing is, my social media has many friend who are drawers. They draw so good that I can learn. But still, I couldn’t learn how to draw hands, the hands I drew was still called chicken legs, so I need to focus on practice for drawing hands, I hope they are not chicken wings anymore.

There’s more problems, I don’t know how to draw big dress. If I need to draw a character are going to a dance party, so I have a clothes problem already. I am going to practice more on that, too.

Still need learning, there’s more challenge.