I think Auggie deserves this medal because in the start of the book no one really like Auggie that much they thought he had the “plague”. No one would go close to Auggie or even look at his face for that matter, but then things quickly shifted Auggie  was becoming friends with Jack and as we know from the Julian chapter Jack was afraid and nervous to meet Auggie but now they are friends. Auggie didn’t make many friends until jack started talking trash about Auggie on Halloween. Auggie soon found a nice friend called summer and they even made their own table the “summer table.” Auggie was starting to feel more recognized by more people but still Auggie remains with only 2 friends. Auggie quickly started gaining friends after coming back after the nature retreat and near the end Auggie said, “Not to brag but I felt like people wanted to be close to me.”

Now we all know it doesn’t matter what you look like you can still make friends if you try hard enough and Auggie made so many new friends. And not all of those friends were just because of the nature retreat but because people started to like Auggie as a person people stopped caring how he look like. And people stopped staring at him because of his face because he made many new friends but not really trying that hard just try to be yourself don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Auggie lifted so many spirits like his moms and dads and his friends to and he was himself not someone else. He really was not expecting to earn this medal but his did and so many people started cheering for him. They were yelling Auggie! Auggie! And he many so people proud. And my conclusion is always be yourself and try hard to gain trust and loyalty from your friends you can be amazing just try your hardest.

Auggie was trying his hardest but what he didn’t know is it was happening so fast he couldn’t see it.Thanks you for sticking around this whole time listing to me ramble on about Auggie and how to be yourself. I hope you enjoyed reading this took me a whole 10 minutes to write so thank you 🙂

Sincerely Marko Simic