“Now here is my secret. It is only with one’s heart one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupry.

I think that his quote is at the beginning of Jack’s perspective because he wanted to be friends with Auggie, but at the same time he wanted to be cool and popular. Basically be with the cool kids or something.

What I think this quote means to say is that no one is perfect, people come in different shapes and sizes. I also think that it means not everyone can see someone the way you see them. But we humans are just so quick to judge. But it is part of our nature. I have an example that I have for you today. One of my classmates asked me last night, “How come you don’t like (blank)?” Then I said, “It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s just because he was mean to me before. I didn’t like him not because of the way he looked, I didn’t like him because he was pretty violent. Jack knows how Auggie was being treated by Julian. All that people see when they look at Auggie is a monster, an alien. But if they only gave him a chance to speak, he’d be the funniest, kindest, loyalist person they could have. If we as humans just didn’t care about how each and every one of us looked, there would be no racism or sexism in the world. Auggie tries hard to impress the people in his school, when he really shouldn’t. We’ve all looked at someone and at least thought. “Wow, he/she is really ugly.” Or something like that. Don’t lie you haven’t done it before. But even though we do these things, we must be mindful for these things that we as humans say thoughtlessly. It could scar someone for life.

At the beginning of the quote, “Now here is my secret.” As I said, Jack wanted to be with the popular group but at the same time he wanted to be friends with Auggie. Which plays as his secret. How you may ask? Well, its Jack’s secret because he never told anyone. When Julian bullied Auggie, all Jack did was watch. But he sometimes stepped in and gave poor Auggie a hand. But at some point of Jack’s perspective, he says he doesn’t want to be Julian’s friend anymore.

This is why I think that this quote was at the beginning of Jack’s Perspective. “My life is full because I know that I am loved!” –Joseph Carey Merrick.