Via has become wiser beyond her years Via has become wiser beyond her years because she is understanding, insightful, and an independent thinker. For example she makes her own decisions like when she took the New York train because she didn’t want to go with Miranda, and that takes a lot of courage for a teenager her age.

She is understanding because when she has a problem, for example at school, and she wants to talk to her mom, although the school called because Auggie was feeling sick and her mom had to go and pick him up, she remembered that there is bigger problems with Auggie. She thought to herself that her problems are petty and that she can wait until Auggies problems are solved even though it might take a while

She is selfless and he knows what Auggie likes and what can cheer him up, for example when Auggie was not feeling well on the day of Halloween. She was not feeling well either but she knew that Auggies favorite holiday was Halloween, so she cheered him up to go to the Halloween parade.

ause she is understanding, insightful, and an independent thinker. For example she makes her own decisions like when she took the New York train because she didn’t want to go with Miranda, and that takes a lot of courage for a teenager her age.

She is understanding because when she has a problem, for example at school, and she wants to talk to her mom, although the school called because Auggie was feeling sick and her mom had to go and pick him