I always liked writing since grade 1 it was always fun for me to write and draw a picture along with it. My grammar was always bad I would understand that in grade 1 but not in grade 5! So my new year’s resolution is to fix my grammar.

My new year’s resolution is to try to improve my grammar. I would like to improve my grammar because I was getting bad grades in the past such as c- or c+. I am trying my best to improve my grammar this goal should be done by the end of 2017, this is a hard task for me because writing isn’t my best ability. Some of my lamp posts would be to practice writing at home for 15 minutes every week day. Or get a journal to write in or I could try writing tests to test my grammar or my speed in writing, this could affect my homework schedule by eating into my time so I will have no time to do my actual homework. I could try to reduce my time writing so I will have to time to finish my homework.

I am look at my friends work to get inspiration for my writing sometimes I have trouble coming up with ideas so I will borrow ideas to take suggestions by other people. This can sometimes help me or effect my work, I don’t like when a teacher points out that me and my friends work are quite similar. This has happened twice in my life and I would always have to explain that I have trouble writing and I borrow ideas from my friends but I always ask permission before borrowing their ideas. So I would like to try to fix my grammar, get better writing speed and stop borrowing ideas from fiends. Thanks for reading my article