“Now here is my secret. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly what is essential is invisible to the eye” ­–Antoine de Saint Exupery

I think this quote is related to jack because they do not have things that are essential that we average people have. Such as water and food because as we learned is the story jack and his parents don’t have much money. Not having very much money can lead to very negative things like having no home , food and water as I mentioned before.

Jack and his parents are very positive and try to think positively even if the problem is big or small here is an example of what I mean. When Auggie, Amos, Henry and Jack were running away from the 7th graders after they think they lost them they were hiding behind a tree, and everyone was high-fiving each other jack was very happy and was thinking positively. He was trying to think that they will make it back to the camp and not get lost. He was not thinking that they will get lost and never make it back again. That was just one example of jack thing positively but there is many more that I didn’t cover in this paragraph.

I think jack does have access to water and food but not much of it that is why Julian is rude to jack because Julian is very rich and spoiled while jack does not have much but is still happy with what he has. Julian he being rude to jack for hanging around Auggie because Julian did not like Auggie in the first place but to see his friend hanging around him just made him even more mad. That is why Julian is bullying Jack because he did not want to lose a friend so he was trying in every way to be rude to him and occasionally would try to get jack back on to his side.

My conclusion will state everything I have previously talked about. So I think that jack has access to water/food but not much of it and that jack is always friendly and in a positive mood every day. Jack is overall a good person and have a lot for good things about him but still has some things to fix like not talking trash to his friends. But that is all I will state in this blog there is still much to cover in future blogs about different characters in wonder. There is not much more to say about jack he could use some improvement like I said before and he is very smart and joyful. And with this I will conclude my blog.