“Now here is my secret.it is only with one’s heart that one can clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye”.-Antoine De Saint-Exupery

I think this quote means is Jack doesn’t see what August looks like he only see kindness through August. Jack cares about what he does he doesn’t care about what August he looks like.

But Julian doesn’t see anything he only sees what august looks like. On the first chapter Julian kept asking “what happened to your face did it get burned down or something.

When Julian asked Jack “you will get popular with us when you don’t hang out with August” Jack response is “no, I don’t want to get popular without August”. Throughout this book some people who doesn’t like August like Henry, Miles, and Amus. They were at the grade fifth nature retreat. They help Jack and August with the grade sevens who bullied them in the woods.   But at the nature retreat they helped Jack and August with the grade seven who bullied the woods.

Julian only care that he want to get popular with his friend but he doesn’t know that august is a nice friend he is always mean to him.

My connection to this story is when I came to Maywood I did not know anyone. This person came up to me and say want to be friends. My response is “yes?” I just figured is that he doesn’t have enough friend like jack he want to be friends with August. But he was forced to hang out with him. A week later (I think) he really want to be friends with him.it took me 1 day only.

There are many “quotes” that we need to figure out. Let me tell you something “never judge what people looks like “and never try to bully it will turn out horrible. You will lose all of your friend when you bully.

~Patrick Jason