-Jack: Now here’s my secret. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

I think Jack is very important to August so far. When August and his parents came to visit school, August met Cholate, Julian and Jack. Julian was very mean to August, but Jack was nice to August.

When Jack realized he was been mean to August on Halloween, he hated himself, thought he was so stupid, and wanted to make friend with August again.

When August’s class need a partner for the Science project. Jack’s partner was August. After school, Julian quipped Jack because his partner was August. And that’s why he punched Julian, right on his mouth. Then Jack had to stay at home for couple of days right after Winter Break because he punched Julian, and it’s just because Jack didn’t want anyone to bully August!

In these ways, I could tell Jack is a nice person.