I think that Auggie is very important to Jack because he think Auggie is a very good friend, and he was very sorry about hurting Auggie, Jack say if you can chose anyone in the class he will chose Auggie.

In the story have a part Julian and Jamie was talking about something bad about Auggie, they say when they saw Auggie he has nightmare and they say if they saw Auggie, is like watching scary movie.

Auggie doesn’t want to be friend with Jack because Jack hurt Auggie, so Jack was trying to be friend with Auggie, and he what to find out why.

He went to ask Auggie’s friend why he was feeling so bad, Jack was very sorry and he what to be friend with Auggie, but no one tell Jack why, but he only hear bleeding scram. Jack doesn’t understand what’s that mean, but he still want to be friend with Auggie.

I think that Jack’s Perspective is talk about if you don’t use your heart to hear or say, you well never understand.