Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s quote fits perfectly to Jack because sometimes in life you can’t see to believe with your eyes, you have to see with your heart to believe instead.
In my opinion I think that the quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry relates to Jack because he isn’t showing his true self all these years because of Julian. Everyone has a friend in life who secretly is just the person who says put downs to their friends, and I think that that is the sort of friend Julian is to Jack. So I think that whatever Jack wanted to do or say, Julian was the person to say ‘oh, that’s pretty bad’ or ‘seriously dude? That?’ to Jack. Which made Jack feel insecurities clouding his better judgement.
For example in the beginning of the year Jack was to befriend Auggie because Mr. Tushman asked him to, and he knew that he could have let him down if he didn’t do it. Jack understood so he was friends with Auggie, only because Mr. Tushman requested him to do so. Although as months and differences passed Jack got used to Auggie and he realized that he wasn’t friends with him because of Mr. Tushman but because he wanted to be friends with him for real.
I think Jack made the right decision being friends with Auggie, because Auggie supports him in his choices, comforts him at hard times, and laughs with him in funny moments. If Jack stayed with Julian instead of Auggie I think that maybe near the future, Jack would somewhat be like Julian. Being friends with Auggie instead of Julian was a good thing to do, because all in all Julian was being a bad influence towards Jack and his classmates.