A new year’s resolution is a goal that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. For this year my new year’s resolution is to improve my reading skills and to understand what I am reading.

This is important because if I don’t understand what l am reading I will not know what happened in the story; or if there is a test I will not know what to write about. Two reasons why I chose this New Year resolution is because I want to understand what I am reading out of the books that I read. The second reason why I want to improve my readings skills is so that I’m ready for grade 7.

I will achieve my new year’s resolution by reading out loud at my house each night for 20 minutes. I will also try to read thicker books.

To understand what I’m reading, I can take notes while I am reading. By the end of the year I am hoping that I am able to read fluently and to understand what I am reading.