I think Auggie and Via are getting wiser beyond their years because the more they get older the more they mature.

I think Auggie is getting wiser because he is getting more confident in life. He is getting more confident in life and towards others because he is learning that not everybody is going to look at Auggie like his family does so he is prepared for all the hate and criticism.

For the previous years of Auggie he never did anything as daring as school. School was probably the most bizarre idea in his curious little mind, but his parents did bring it up so that meant that he had to get more confident to face all the bullies at school. I think that made him wiser because he is trying something new. Whenever you try something you always have some sort of worry or doubt about yourself but that’s a good thing, it’s a good thing because whenever you have some sort of doubt are worry about yourself its telling you, you can’t do it but the only way you can overcome that is to “Just do it.” It made Auggie wise because he was thinking of all the thought that came into his head and he tried to put it behind him.

Auggie is wise because he is also really smart. In the previous years of him, he was home schooled so people thought that made him dumb. When he entered school he blew everybody away with his smarts. People were doubting him and criticizing him like “Your home schooled you can never catch up with us,” and” You are stupid.” He didn’t care what he said and he just blew everyone away, most importantly Jack will. So I think that made him wiser and more confident as a person and as a student.

I think Via is getting wiser throughout her years because she is slowly becoming more independent. She is getting more independent each year she grows up, for example a few years back she didn’t need her parents to help her do her homework or anything, a couple weeks ago she took the subway by herself with nobody. When she is doing all these things like a women she need to be wise when she is doing anything. For example she is walking to the subway then somebody offers her drugs she needs to know that it’s wrong to accept it and just walk away.

Another reason why Via is getting wiser is that she doesn’t have any close friends that can hold her down. I think this because when you have friends that are really annoying it’s really hard to focus on what you need to do and not get distracted. I personally think that I can work with people that make that talk really loud because sometimes they make me laugh.

I think Auggie and via are becoming wiser beyond their years because of how much courage they gained and how independent they got, and you know what you say The more you grow the more you know!