Maywood Community School                                            17.2.7

4567 Imperial Street

Burnaby, BC

V5J 1B7


Dear Grade 5 Student,


My name is Afnaan and I live in Burnaby, BC, and go to Maywood Community School.

This letter is about me. In my family, I have one sister whom is nine months old. My two parents are very kind and caring for me. My favourite thing to do is reading. Some of my favourite books are: Legend, Prodigy, and Champion by Marie Lu.

My favourite sports are: Hockey, Swimming, and Dodgeball. I like these games because they are fast-paced, interactive, and super fun!

One of my hobbies is writing, right now I’m working on my own book called “The RuneScape”. This book is about a young boy named Jax whom finds a hidden portal which leads him into another dimension called The RuneScape.

Some of my friends are: Hardy, Marko, Greg, Gavin, and Dave. They are smart, hilarious, and they always back me up when I’m in a difficult situation. I hope you think of me as a good person who you can talk with openly.

Hope you like this letter and I hope I get to meet you soon. Goodbye!
