Day: 15 February 2017 (Page 1 of 4)

My 2 New Year’s Resolution

This New Year, my resolution is to improve on my math.                                                

I am planning on working on my multiplication and division. I always find myself stuck on some questions because I have forgotten a math fact, so I want a better understanding of my times table and division tables. Sometimes I need to rely on a calculator if I don’t understand the question.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I have already asked my mom to buy some flash cards or math textbooks so I can work on them and get better at multiplying and dividing questions. I will work on my flash cards with my aunt every day for 15 minutes. I will do 2 pages a day in my text book and tell my aunt to ask me random multiplication questions from 1 to 12 while I’m eating dinner.

My other resolution is that I want to improve on my piano.  I want to improve on my piano because when I get a new song to practice, I always play with one hand the next week. So I want to spend more time on playing piano. I decided after I come home, I start playing piano from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.      

I really like this Korean pop band called BTS and one of their new released songs are called “spring day” and I printed out the music sheet and I want to play it. So I also decided after I play piano from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, I will practice the song at 8:30 pm and hopefully I can finish the song.                                                                      

I hope I can get a better grade at math and finish the song.

Blog#7 How Olivia and Auggie are Wiser beyond their Years

Via is jealous?! No surprise there. I know how she feels, I too have a little brother named Nicco. He had cancer, and a lot of surgeries. I guess that’s how August and Nicco are sort of alike. Olivia and I are the oldest, which means we have more responsibility and more is expected from us.

Olivia understands that Auggie has been through a lot but at the same time she also feels jealous of him because we all need and want some attention once in a while.

When Nicco was still taking his liquid medicine, he would always cry and have a tantrum because it tasted bad. My dad would get mad because he wouldn’t listen. My dad has been taking care of Nicco and I for a long time. If my dad didn’t take care of Nicco, he would have died. My brother owes his life to our dad. Because my dad was so busy taking care of us, he now doesn’t have a job and my mom is the only one that works. Nicco complains that my parents are too strict, but he deserves it.

Via and I are alike because we both have little brothers that have some sort of illness. They’ve both been in a lot of surgeries and survived.

Via and Auggie are wiser beyond their years because they have both been through a lot and know that anytime something bad might happen to one of them. Life is too short to be selfish. Via has trouble with school, and Auggie has trouble with how she looks. Via knows that her parents are too busy to deal with what she wants, so she does it by herself. That’s why shes so independent. Auggie is wiser beyond his years because he has felt a lot of pain, well we all have. He knows if he puts himself out there, he’ll get made fun of. So he hides himself and is more cautious of what he does.

This is why I think how Olivia and August are wiser beyond their years. “I won’t describe what I look like. But whatever you’re thinking about, it’s probably worse.” –Wonder by R.J Palacio.

Jack’s Perspective/Blog#9

“Now here is my secret. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.’’

-Antoine de Saint Exupery


I think that the quote above has a lot to do with Jack because Jack decided to be friends with Auggie even though Jack knew that everyone else didn’t like Auggie because of his face. I think that Jack decided to be friends with Auggie rather than Julian because Jack knew that Auggie wouldn’t mind that Jack’s family wasn’t rich like Julian would because Auggie’s family wasn’t rich either.

Also, Jack was able to see through Auggie’s face to his heart and Jack was able to see that even though Auggie’s face looked different from everyone else’s, Auggie had a good heart and he is very smart, nice and funny. With his eyes closed, Jack was only able to see what everyone else saw and what Auggie looked like on the outside, (ex. his face) but when Jack used his heart he was able to see what Auggie was like in the inside which is caring, nice, friendly, and funny. That is why you shouldn’t judge people by what they look like just like you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Instead you should try to get to know them and see/respect them as who they are (you probably don’t want to get judged right?)That’s another reason why Jack probably likes Auggie more than Julian because Julian only wants to be friends with people that are popular and he isn’t able to see through to people’s hearts while Auggie has learned to see past people’s faces to their hearts because Auggie himself has been bullied because of his face he knows how it feels to be judged by your face and it feels really bad. Everyone’s face is different because everyone is different just like there are no two snowflakes that are the same there are no two people that are the same not even twins. After all, you probably wouldn’t want to live in a world where everyone is exactly the same, would you? That would just be boring and since people would be exactly the same you wouldn’t be able to learn anything. That’s where the saying “different strokes for different folks,” comes in. Different people look and learn differently but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be friends. Take Auggie and Jack for example, they are very different but they are still friends. Diversity is something that we all have in common and we should celebrate it.

At the beginning of the story, Jack was like everyone else and he didn’t like Auggie. But then he gets to know Auggie a bit more and then he becomes Auggie’s friend after looking at Auggie’s heart. Then he and Auggie get to know each other a bit more until Halloween. On Halloween, Jack says some mean things that he doesn’t mean to say that he later regrets. So Jack goes to apologize to Auggie and they make up. After that, Julian starts bad mouthing Auggie and Jack doesn’t like it so he punches Julian in the mouth. Then, Jack goes home and starts sending texts to Julian, and Mr. Tushman about how sorry he is for punching Julian but he gives a little hint about what Julian said. Go a bit farther into the story and the whole school goes on a trip to the nature reserve where Jack and Auggie get lost in a forest where they meet Eddie and a gang of grade sevens. The grade sevens make fun of them and then they get into a fight only to be rescued by Amos, Henry, and Miles. Unfortunately, Auggie loses his hearing aids in the process but Jack and his friends comfort him and Jack could not have done that if he wasn’t able to see Auggie with an open heart.

In a video I once watched when I was young, there was a bear who went to the supermarket to buy apples. Once he got to the supermarket he bought two apples. When he got home he decided to peel the apples but he took a good look at them. One of them looked good on the outside and the other looked rotten on the outside. The bear was just about to throw the rotten apple away but then he decides to peel them and see what they are like in the inside.Much to his surprise after he peels them he sees that the apple that looked good on the outside is actually rotten on the inside and the apple that looked rotten on the outside was actually good in the inside so the bear throws away the rotten on the inside apple and keeps the good in the inside apple. Now let’s compare Jack’s relationship with Auggie and Julian to the story I told you about the bear and the two apples. The bear (Jack) goes to the supermarket and buys two apples (Auggie and Julian).Then, Jack goes home and decides to take a good look at the apples. One of them looks rotten on the outside (Auggie) and the other one looks fine on the outside (Julian).Jack was about to throw the apple that looked rotten, (Auggie) away but then he decides to peel them (look at their insides).When he peels them, he is surprised to see that the apple that he assumed to be rotten (Auggie) is perfectly fine and the apple that he thought was fine (Julian) turned out to be rotten in the inside. So, Jack throws away the rotten in the inside apple (Julian) and keeps the apple that is fine in the inside (Auggie).


In conclusion, I think that the quote by Antoine Exupery relates to Jack because he is able to use his heart rather than his eyes to make friends.

Jack’s Perspective Blog #9

Maybe Jack’s quote is explaining the way that he sees Auggie, that it doesn’t matter what he looks like, there’s more that meets the eye ,Henry and his friends kind of understand why Jack is Auggie’s friend.

In the beginning of Jack’s perspective he doesn’t seem very excited to meet Auggie but when he got to know Auggie he saw his personality and he started to really like Auggie that it came to a point that Jack didn’t see him as a kid that was born with a deformed face he saw him as a friend, that’s why i think the quote says “It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly.”

My classmates,and my teacher are reading about when they went to camp and they meet some  mean kids Jack really cares about Auggie i mean he stood up for him,he talked to those way older kids and tolled them to not mess with Auggie and him, when Auggie was crying he hugged him and called him “dude” like everyone else.

  In my opinion we will see a lot more kind actions from Jack ,we all know that Jack is a really kind, nice, helpful, caring friend to Auggie and others so when we continue reading the book we will see that he is a good friend he is .

New Year’s Resolution blog 8

This year I’ve been thinking about to going to learn animation. I want to how to learn how to draw them with more detail and shading. I want to animate and characters, objects because I want to draw them better so they will look good when I animate them. Why I want to animate is because I was inspired to animate by people on YouTube who post animation videos they make by themselves. I was going to use my computer to animate the characters on the computer or other things and draw them on the computer but my computer is broken so I have draw on paper like using note or use paper and flip them like Flipnote on my Nintendo DS so when I start drawing on paper or my Nintendo DS and when I draw a bit more on the Nintendo DS or paper it will look like an animation. So it might take long to fix my computer so I use something else but i make sure that i will animate and draw better by 2018.

Blog#9 Jack’s Perspective

“Now here is my secret. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye”.  –Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

I think this quote was at the beginning of Jack’s perspective because when Jack said those mean things about Auggie.

He didn’t know that the person in the bleeding scream costume was Auggie and he heard that Jack was saying mean things about Auggie. Jack didn’t know why Auggie was ignoring him so he asked Summer why and she said “bleeding scream” as a hint. He didn’t know what it meant so it was like the part in the quote “What is essential is invisible to the eye” where he didn’t see the important part.

At first Jack was acting nice to Auggie because Mr.Tushman said so and after that Jack wanted to be actual friends with Auggie. Jack wanted to be friends with August because he didn’t find the popular boys group fun at all and he actually wanted to play with Auggie instead, so after he said those mean things he didn’t know why he said it, it just came out of his mouth and he wanted to know why Auggie was ignoring him because he wanted to play with August not with the popular boys.

Julian didn’t see Auggie as a friend just because of his face and everyone should be treated equally but Julian never experienced anything with Auggie so he treats him very badly. He also said that “What’s the deal with your face were you in a fire or something” and that was very rude.


My New Year’s Resolution for 2017

At the start of a new year, people make resolutions. A resolution is a goal that you set for yourself to try to achieve. Or as its name says a “re – solution.” This year for 2017, my resolution will be to focus more on my time – management skills, so I have more time to read. I am planning on doing my homework quicker. Last year, I didn’t get to read a lot at home because it took too long for me to do my homework and chores and by the time I finished, it was my bedtime. From today on, I will try to do my homework and chores more efficiently. I can do this by setting a timer and trying to beat the clock and complete my homework. I can also motivate myself with a good book to read.

In conclusion, I will do my homework quicker so I have more time to read.

Blog#7: How is Via wiser beyond the years

Via and August had definitely got wiser over the years. Because both of them had experienced a lot throughout their years. Which helps them to solve more problems in life, and create a more complex brain and sharp thinking. Each time they encountered a problem and sometimes they sometimes have a  unique response to it. Facing problems is hard, especially if you’re inexperienced, but Via and August is more experienced than normal kids.

Via got wiser because she had to deal with problems with social life, and family life. Via knows her problems is not as gigantic as August’s problems. Which leads her being more independent, because her parents are mostly focused on August. For example, she does her own school work by herself, she took the subway by herself, knowing that her parents will not be with her most of the time.

Via is very empathetic. She knows what August’s been through and what his life is like. She is aware that  his surgeries hurts a lot, and he’s being teased constantly. She knows that it doesn’t compare with her problems with her friends.

Blog #9: Jack’s Perspective

Jack’s perspective starts off with a quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery. “Now here is my secret. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” “How does this tie in with Jack’s perspective and the rest of the story?” You ask? Well, near the beginning of the section, Jack tells us readers that he has known Auggie for quite a long time. When Mr.Tushman (Beacher prep’s principal) asks Jack to be friends with Auggie, Jack doesn’t want to. He does this  because he thinks people will laugh at him, Auggie or he wants to stay popular?  His mother convinces him to hang out with Auggie that night and he does. After a few weeks, Jack “Sees with his heart”, he knows that he likes Auggie and wants to be August’s friend. He also understands what his heart wants, which is to be with Auggie. I also think that he changes his mind because he knows it’s going to be difficult for Auggie to make friends, and that he needed someone to be there for him.

Fast forward to Halloween in the home room and Auggie sees Jack in his costume, talking to the two Maxes and Julian. Jack thought Auggie was going to dress up as a “Star Wars” character, but instead Auggie dresses up as “Bleeding Scream” and sits down next to them. Auggie hears Jack badmouthing about him, quickly runs out of the classroom and starts crying because his friend was talking badly about him and that’s not what friends do. After that incident, Auggie and Jack drift away from each other and Auggie finds a new friend, Summer. Auggie thinks that Jack cares more about popularity than him. Soon, Summer gives Jack a hint about why Auggie’s so mad at him.

Jack finds Auggie and apologizes to him. Jack tells Auggie that he didn’t know what he said and why he said it. He also tells Auggie that he cares more about their friendship then fame. This has a huge impact on the story because the characters make their decisions based around this problem for a some time and this shows that broken bones and broken limbs don’t take long to heal, but broken trust and friendships take much longer to mend. They try to make decisions that don’t hurt each other anymore, but still don’t seem like they aren’t friends anymore. After a while they see with their hearts and understand each other’s feelings.

Why do you think this is so important to the story? I think it’s because there are many emotions throughout the story, and we need to see with our hearts to understand those emotions.



Blog #7 How are Auggie and Via wiser beyond their years

Auggie became wise through the years because of the decisions he made himself. I think that a part of Auggie knew that the world spinned too fast and the stars shined too bright, and that his face will never change but anyone else’s attitude or personality can change in an instant when with the wrong person. Auggie faced some of his fears already which is kind of fierce for a boy like him at such a young age. Auggie was enrolled in Beecher Prep for the first time, talked to friends his age, and was demeaned by new friends. Through all of that Auggie kept being himself and not changing, which was a good thing.
There were a lot of misunderstandings with Auggie and his friends. Like the problem with Jack, when Auggie overheard Jack and Julian talking about Auggie in the worst way someone can possibly talk about you: Behind your back when they think you‘re not listening, but you actually hear what they have said. I think that Auggie was never mad at Jack or Julian but was just hurt by them and what they did. Even if not many people realize that Auggie is really nice and caring and has a great humour, it‘s nice that his friends now still care about him.
Although, sometimes some things you do in life aren’t a living, but it sure isn’t dying. Auggie has been in a position where nobody would want to be in, he faced fears and gone through some difficult times in his life and with his friends and family. Auggie is wise beyond the years that he has lived because he lived his life as an outsider, not as someone who doesn’t fit in but someone who cannot fit in with a lot groups because of his diversity around other people.
Via, on the other hand puts her loved ones above herself. She learns even from the littlest mistakes she makes. Via is one of the only people in Auggie’s life that actually care about him and doesn’t care about whether he is with her or not. Wisdom means having the quality of experience, knowledge, and good judgement towards others. Via demonstrates her wisdom with Miranda and Ella. Miranda and Ella were Via‘s best friends in grade school, but they’ve changed and started to hang out with the popular kids, which is exactly what they are not. When Via‘s friends did hang out with the popular group Via did not follow, I think it‘s because Via isn’t those kinds of people who change their selves just to be recognized by people from a higher rank of popularity. Via is the kind of person like Auggie who doesn’t judge others by their skin colour, intellect, age, or wealth, but judge others by their deeds too.

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