Every year everyone always has a new year’s resolution, but sometimes they never stick to the resolution they thought up for themselves. For the year of  2017, I would want to be known as one of the hardest workers and a guy who doesn’t give up on his first try. Being known as a hard worker has always been a goal of mine because once you gave it your all you know you tried your best.

The reason I want to be one of the hardest workers is because being a hard worker can lead to success and a positive mindset towards yourself. Being a hard worker means that you put everything you have into what you are doing in life whether it is playing sports or working at school. The quote I am trying to live by is “I can accept failure but I can’t accept not trying”.

Last year I gave up on the first time I tried something. The thing I gave up on was when I was playing basketball and my coach kept getting angry towards me because I was screwing up in a lot of things. Whenever I screw up on something I always just gave up and I just accepted failure but this year I want to give it my all when I play basketball or in general. The way I will accomplish this goal is by making sure I keep reminding myself of the quote I mentioned earlier. I will also remind myself that I won’t give up on the first try whenever I do something.

I know there is no shortcut in life and when I come across an obstacle in front of me, I have to remember to keep going and give it my maximum effort.