Month: January 2017

Welcome back!

Hey folks!

I’ve been away longer than expected and the holidays were so busy I didn’t get a chance to login to our site to check for comments. Sorry it took me so long to post and approve comments!

This term…

  • Get ready for LITERATURE CIRCLES! Students are responsible for completing their group’s assigned section EACH WEEK. Please keep up to date on these assignments.
  • We continue to read WONDER. We should finish this term!
  • We continue to learn DANCE in our extended P.E. periods, and are starting BASKETBALL this term as well.
  • In Science, we have begun our CHEMISTRY unit. I look forward to working with Ms. Hotomanie again for looking at Chemistry through a First Peoples’ perspective.
  • We have Young Peoples’ Concert next week.
  • Erica Koltenuk greets the sun by jumping for joy while showshoeing in Utah's Wasatch Mountains.

    Erica Koltenuk greets the sun by jumping for joy while showshoeing in Utah’s Wasatch Mountains.

    Our SNOW-SHOEING field trip was a total success! Thanks to all who helped by volunteering and lending clothes or snowshoes! Without you we couldn’t have done it.

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