It was Halloween night, one of my favorite holidays. I was going to go trick or treating. We didn’t really decorate but that was okay. I pranced around in my snow queen costume, being careful not do accidentally step on anything (Like the cape part or the end of the dress). My costume was basically a sparkly blue dress with a lace cape-like thing attached to it. I also wore some sparkly blue shoes to match. I took one last peek in the mirror and shouted, “Mom! I’m ready!”

“Coming!” My mom shouted back

My little sister walked towards me. Because she was so little, she wasn’t wearing anything fancy. My sister was wearing a pink skirt and a green flower head band. She was supposed to be a fairy but my mom couldn’t find any fairy wings so my sister looks more like a ballerina than a fairy. “C’mon, let’s go get candy!” My sister said as she jumped up and down with excitement.

“Okay… we’re going!” My mom and I said.

We walked to the mall. I was really crowded and busy. I could hear the delighted squeals and screams of children as they ran to each store trying to fill their buckets with candy. I pointed to a store and my mom nodded. I giggled and ran to the store. “Trick-Or-Treat!!” I screamed as a man put a handful of candy in my bag. “Look mom!” I said, pointing to the candy in my bag. She smiled and we walked to another store to get candy.

Soon my bag was getting a little heavy because it was full of different kinds of treats. I started to eat some of my candy to make my bag lighter. The candy smelt wonderful! I grabbed a lollipop. It tasted like green apple. One of my favorite candy flavors. “Save some of your candy for when you get home…” My mom said.

“Aww! Can’t I have ONE candy I pleaded. My mom nodded and said, “Okay, just ONE”

I smiled and happily ate the lollipop.

Once we got home, I ran to my room and grabbed a book. I started to read as I ate my candy. “I love Halloween…” I thought.