I think The October precept means that you should be remembered for all the good and helpful things you do for others. I think you should not be remembered for how rich and cool you are but how kind and humble you are towards others. I think this precept means a lot for Auggie because he always gets judged by his face and not his delightful personality. I think Auggie feels like he is not appreciated enough because no matter how nice Auggie is to people, people just can’t take him seriously. Auggie might be very emotional because he hasn’t really met anyone that doesn’t get surprised after the first time they meet. I always think that Auggie is a nice person so that’s why I think the things you say and do always over shadow the way we look like or dress like.

I think it contributes to the story because the story is about Auggie having a face disorder and looking different from others, which might mean that this precept is trying to connect with Auggie with how the whole story is playing out. He realizes that people always see him differently but he sees himself as a normal person but others don’t see him as a normal person.