Last year, under a sky with sparkling stars, my sister and I went trick-or-treating. We started our trip at a fully decorated house. It had all kinds of Halloween decorations on the front yard, ranging from little transparent ghosts to pitch black cackling witches. It even had a glowing jack-o-lantern on the doorstep. So we went up the stairs and knocked on the door while cheerfully exclaiming “Trick- or-treat. ’The man who opened the door gave us each two chocolate bars and so we left. The next house we went to was the complete opposite of the house we went to before. It had no decorations at all! In fact, the only clue that they were giving out candy was that there was a dimly lit jack-o-lantern glowing eerily on the windowsill. As soon as we saw the jack-o-lantern we raced to the door and knocked on the big wooden door. A woman with dark hair and brown eyes opened the door and gave us some Smarties. We went on to many different houses and got all kinds of candies ranging from lollipops to gummy bears until finally I was starting to get tired so we headed home.