It was a Halloween night when I and a few of my friends were going trick or treating. I dressed up as a killer clown my close friend Kianaz was a witch and one of my other close friends Elina was a zombie. Elina had a hand band with a fake knife through it and when she put it on it looked like there was a knife through her head. I had fake knife with fake blood in it. We went to a lot of houses and one of the house was really old and sketchy but we knocked on the door anyway. When we knocked the door cracked open and the wind pushed the door open the rest of the way but nobody seemed to be there. Although we heard voices coming from down the hall. We decided to step inside to see if anybody was around to give us candy because we were having a contest to see who could get the most candy. We could barely hear what they were saying but all of a sudden we heard someone say “murder.” All that came to our mind was to run out of the house but I decided to stay. Then I heard footsteps coming closer and closer, that’s when I thought I should run. As I turned to run out the door a tall man wearing all black clothes with a knife came towards me and there were killer clowns behind him. Right before my eyes the door slammed shut. The man in black grabbed me and said “give me all your candy! I have no more to give out!” Then, I slowly stepped backwards and said “okay…” and I gave him all my candy.

I had a small talk and he told me that was his costume, he was a murderer with killer clown friends to scare the trick or treaters. Then I said then why did I hear you say “murder” and he told me it was because they were talking about his costume. Then I left and found my friends shocked because they were looking for me the whole time.