One day Before Halloween Night mom, Suri and I went to by my costume for Halloween right after school. I was so excited when mom, Suri and I went to buy my costume, Suri and I  saw this store called BUY COSTUMES only children’s sides “I was like mom that is the perfect store to go buy my costume and it even says children’s sides only” Suri laugh. At that night I invite Suri to sleep over, we watch lots of scary movies and we prepare or costumes for HALLOWEEN NIGHT. After we woke up we dress up and my mom even paint our faces we looked so scary and funny that me and my friend couldn’t stop laughing we. We had waffles for breakfast it was so yummy that we ate about 4 of them, they tasted as good as ice cream. My mom called Suri’s mom if she wanted to spend the night together while we were away.  Suri and I were so excited to go that we wait on the door for 30 minutes while my dad was getting ready to. Suri and I grabbed our buckets to get candy’ Suri looked my costume and she said it was very spooky, I told her that hers was sooky too. At 7:00 pm we went out and saw lots of different costumes like dolls, clowns, and star war costumes and of Corse many more.ME and Suri got lots of candy, Suri and I smell popcorn did not know why. We knock in lots of doors to get candy they were so yummy just like the waffles that we had for breakfast. We heard lots of ring bells, screaming and people talking or saying trick or treat it got pretty annoying for me but I still did not get used to it. After we got home we were so tired and at my dreams I hear lots of trick or treat.