Last year I went to trick or treating with my dad and my brother. First we went to my Aunt house and we ate there, we also played with my cousins, there was a party in my school so my brother and I went to the party and all we did there is eat some food do some games. It was getting dark and it is perfect time to go outside and we wore our costume, I was wearing star wars and my brother is wearing batman. Me and my brother saw some scary costume there is some clown, zombie, and some most scary costume, me and my brother is so excited to go trick or treating for our first time and we came to a house and press the doorbell and said “Trick or Treat” they gave as some candies we are planning to get 100 candies for now we have 7 candies each that means we have 14 candies all together. My brother and I went to the another house we have to go in the house it’s like there having a party and when we went to the house the light kept going on and off out of nowhere they jumped scare my brother and I after  we passed that we took some candies and run off, we were walking and we so a person trying to act dead so I went closer then he scared me by the way he was wearing  like a dark costume then he knows my cousin and he gave us extra candies now we have 30 candies. After we went trick or treating we watched scary movies the movie is called scary movies part 2 it wasn’t that scary though it was made in 2000 that was my most memorable time in my life.