It was 5:40 and I started to get ready for the scariest night of the year: Halloween. At 7 o’clock, I was already driving to the scariest neighbourhood in the Lower Mainland: Burkeville. When I got there, I could hear screams as loud as when a baby is born. I felt like my ear drums were going to explode. I arrived at the first house and I could see the lights flashing on and off. I was so scared until I heard a movie starting and I also could smell popcorn from the wooden stairs close to the door. I finally knocked it and this really nice lady came out. She was wearing a light-pink dress and a grey leather jacket. While smiling, she dropped many candies, chocolate bars, and lollipops in my pumpkin bucket and I could feel it getting heavier as she poured them in. Next to that place, there was another house that looked like it was abandoned years ago, it was old and dirty. There were newspapers from past weeks and people had scrawled graffiti all over the walls. Also, I could see fear in the kid’s faces, their eyes were wide-opened while they walked by the cracked side walk. Their heads would turn and I was sure it wasn’t a good sign. But I’m always up to a challenge, so I quickly ran to the fence but slowed down suddenly when I heard a whisper calling my name. That didn’t stop me going forward. After opening the little walk gate, I started tiptoeing down the cement garden walkway. The garden was made of frozen flowers that would chip if you touched them, and the floor was covered of dried, putrid-smelling grass and dead leaves that fell from the only tree in front of the house. There was fog up to my knees and I felt breeze against my face. All of a sudden, I heard a howl from the dog in the graveyard about 3 blocks away, and a raven looking down at me from that big creepy tree. I glimpsed a figure on the side window. I slowly turned my head and I saw a lady with white-coloured eyes and black hair that was and shedding tears. But, the weird thing was that I only saw her for about 7 seconds and she just went away. When I saw that this happened, I quickly called 9-1-1 and ran away. Two weeks later, I was reading the newspaper and the front page was about a women called Amanda Collinwood that lived on that strange house on Burkeville for a very long time. The article said that after the police received an anonymous call, they found her dead body. There are still no suspects but there is an ongoing investigation because there were many blood stains on the floor and walls. I’m just glad I made that phone call and set Amanda free. By calling the police and finding her body, her spirit could rest in peace.