Month: September 2016

It’s BLOG time!

Div. 4, we’ve loaded your names onto the district blog site and you now have the ability to post your work to your own, personal blog (which is housed in LANAWAY’S LOUNGE).

Parents: please remember students are not to use their full names or post pictures of themselves. I ask that you do the same (when commenting). But don’t panic! — I must read and publish all posts and comments before they go live (before they can be seen by the you, the public). Check our Blogging Guidelines for more on this.

This blog site is a tool for students to improve their personal writing skills. We invite you to join in our enthusiasm. So please READ OUR BLOG, and feel free to leave comments.

Enjoy! happy-blogging

Building our Four Agreements!

Div 4 is beginning to look at what kind of learning community do we want to be. To start, we discussed what we need to feel safe and trusting in a group (see our brainstorm below). Following that we discussed what makes an ideal classroom – what kind of behaviours would make this the ideal classroom?



Some common themes are coming up!

  • inclusion
  • being helpful, caring, and kind
  • being self-aware
  • avoiding aggressive behaviour
  • listening to each other
  • being a good friend (sticking up for one another, staying loyal, giving good advice).
  • And let’s not forget the GOLDEN RULE: Do unto others as you would have done to you.

Well done, Div. 4!! We’re off to a great start!! 🙂

Welcome back!

What a great summer we’ve had! But with fall around the corner and school at its beginning, I have to say, I am excited to see your bright, shiny faces and get started at a new and exciting new school year. So, come on in, get settled – get comfortable — we’re in for a good ride!


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