Month: June 2016 (Page 5 of 8)

Blog #8

What would I tell a new comer is say welcome to this school my name is Azad what’s your name.  i would also play soccer or basketball with him to have fun together  also he can meet new people while we play together.

I would invite him to my house to let him play some of the games that he never had. I would take him out to fun places like the arcade or laser tag. I would always be with him to make him not feel lonely and sad because that makes him feel like no one likes him.  I would go out with him with my friends a lot so he can learn

English while me and friends walk and talk and he can listen to what we’re saying

Which will help learn faster English.  I would help on his homework a lot but I won’t tell him answers I will just explain what he has do or I will show him an example for one of things he’s working on.  I would also take him to school programs like youth center, track, or run and read. I would take him to loonie swim to Bonsor or Edmonds community center which really fun. If I had some clothes I didn’t need or some cups or dishes I would donate to him to use it because he will need and he will appreciate what I did to him and he will know I am one of those really good friends to hang out with I would do some cool challenges with him like try not laugh or grin.

And that’s what I would do with a new comer

Blog Post #11 Repost The things I’m proud of in Term 3

There are a few things that I really wanted to improve in Term 3 and here are some that I did. First of all I wanted to get in better shape and I did it by exercising more and I also started training soccer and I have 2 practices a week. Then the second thing that I wanted to improve are my grades. I want to have 4 A’s or more and no C’s or lower. Last Term I didn’t get any C’s or lower but I only got 3 A’s. And I was disappointed to see that. I improved my score on tests and homework and things like that by studying and reading more books in almost every second when I wasn’t busy. And those were the things that I was proud in Term 3.

A New Community

A new community

Why Australia?

Moving to Australia means running towards opportunities and a hot client: Australia is a new contrary witch is growing in jobs and people. Many say that Australia today is like the USA 50 years ago…just full of enthusiasm and opportunity

Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and other Australian cities have a European / North America way of life, offering every kind of service, work, and fun. Quality of life is even better thanks to a lower population density than most cities, low pollution levels and a modern and efficient infrastructure.

Economy and job market

Australia’s economy has been the success story of the last few decades: it’s grown and grown. The majority of people could be described as middle class. Job opportunities are available to everyone; Australia is a more meritocratic country than just about anywhere else. Unemployment rates are very low, and in most cities there is plenty of casual work available, expecially for young Australians and international students. And with the highest minimum wages in the world, even those in casual jobs are paid much more than in Europe. Australia is a good place if you want to find a stable job, and nice climent.


The city I would want to live in, in Australia is Noosa Heads




If there was a newcomer to the community I would show then the mall, school, Bonser and parks such as Central park and Silver Park. If there were new people at the school I would help them around. I would also show then the beaches like Stanley Park and others. If they asked where anything was I would be there to help them and show them. I’m not all that social thou so that might be a problem. But if they needed everthing I would be there until they now were everything is.

Blog #11

I’m proud of a lot of things such as my clay tile and my maps. But the most thing I was proud of is my Paragraph Wheel. The paragraph wheel was kind of challenging because I had to write 3 paragraphs. I only finished 2 paragraphs and then I had to write really fast in school. The paragraph wheel wasn’t all bad, it was also fun because I did it with my friend Milan. After we finished I was really nervous because when we finished we had to put it in our table and let people see it. I was nervous because I was scared that people would judge my writing skills. I am also really proud of my clay tile even though I didn’t see it, I believe that it would look nice. I am really proud of these things.

journal #6

The best thing that happened to me in term 2 was me achieving my goal for socials because I did not have good marks and I wasn’t focusing on finishing socials all the time because games distracted me and we had whole to finish socials but I forget that we have socials that’s why don’t usually finish maps and stuff but know I like to socials like maps and pier 21 worksheets because if you understand something well your going to love doing it.  What I also liked about term 2 was basketball because I am not a very good basketball player but now I am much better at basketball and my friends made me proud of myself for getting better and better at basketball just because of gym class now I like to play basketball with some of my friends which really because you can jump high if you are a basketball player and that’s what I liked about term 2

blog 11#

In term 3 I was most proud of when I was getting better at math doing times and divided and doing hard work and staying out of trouble and playing baseball I am proud of my hits in baseball they go pretty far. I was mostly sick once for a week and then for like three days. And I like all the arts we do in class the clay tails and painting them that was fun and did my best.

Blog#11 What am I proud of in Term 3

Here are things I am proud of for Term 3.

First, Art. I like my clay tile. I like to design patterns and shapes. They are so much fun to design. I really like art.

Second, math. I really like math. Part of it is because math usually only have one, directly answer. Math is same everywhere, so it’s easy for me except the words when I just came here. I like geometry because I like angels. I like to put the protractor on the angles and measure it. Math isn’t a big problem for me (once I know what the question meant.)

Thirdly, Lit Circles. I love lit circles because I love reading. I like to think of questions while I read. I like the meetings is because I like to see what is others questions. Often I find really interesting ones. I like the lit circles books too. They are a lot of fun to read. I like especially The Breadwinner and How to steal a dog.

Fourthly, Science. I like to draw out the human body picture. I like to learn new things about our body system. I like to hear others learning too. I like to hear their genius questions and their answers. They are very interesting.

Fifthly, Blogs. I like to create blogs. I like writing stuff. My favourite blog between 5-10 is #7. I like to write goals so I can check it after a while. I reached most of the goals, but some of them I didn’t. I like to write things about our school.

Sixthly, Social Studies. I like the suitcase thing. We wrote in the diary and the newspaper. We also drew and colour the pictures in the newspaper. We wrote about our cultural groups, such as what is it like in our country. I also like to draw the map, finding the cities and color the countries. I like it also is because we can design the compass, we can draw it any way we want. As long as we show the North, East, South and West. Sometimes I do a target, sometimes I do an ice compass.

Lastly, Music. I like to find what note is one which line. I am good at that. Now Mr.Ivaz showed us funny videos and we sang ‘The Child of Universe’, it was fun.

Things I am proud of (blog#11)

In term 3, there is lots of things I am proud of, like science, art… almost every subject.

Number one: art, I love doing clay tiles, coloring them, making them in shape, drawing the rough draft for it, every detail. They are so pretty, it was the first time for me playing with clay, so for me it’s the most exciting thing I’ve done in art.

Number two: L.A., this term I really like doing lit circles, we’ve been doing lit circles for so long that I feel like it’s something I should do every day, in this time, I finished lots of books and completely understand how to do skinny and fat question. I also really like doing the paragraph wheel, I like doing writing and typing but at the same time, I am doing drawings at the same time, I really enjoyed looking at other people’s paragraph wheel and seeing what the stories are about, they all seemed very interesting.

Number three: science, we worked on body systems the whole term, learning what it does and why it’s important, I learned lots of things. I like studying for my very first science test, I feel like I enjoyed the moments when I am studying.

Number four: socials, I like learning about the history of Canada and what happened to people who came to Canada, I really like listening to other people saying about what happened and things, it make me learn lots of things, it make me know more about the history of Canada.

Number five: math, I am really happy this term because I think I finally reached my goal! The goal is to get A for math, it was a goal I had starting when I just came to this math group.

I really like the things we did this term, it made me learn lots of things and experience lots of things, I am really like this term.

Things I Am Proud Of Term 3

 I am proud of 4 things this term: art, French, Music and Lit circles.

I am very proud of art because I think that my clay tile is very beautiful because I think I matched my colors quite well and I had lots of fun making it. But most importantly I managed to picture the colors in my head and I managed to make it look good.

 I am also very proud of French because even if we only did a little bit of French this term I think that my French booklet was very simple but colorful considering I was the only one who did the food category. Also I think that my French writing wasn’t that bad.

 I also like music this term because we were learning about notes and how to tell between each note. I had a head start because I play the guitar and I need to be able to read music so I knew the notes very easily, but I still improved because I now do it at a daily basis and also Mr. Ivaz now once in a while he does Mad Minute worksheets. Sometimes I barely make it because Mad Minute seems like Mad 30 seconds.

Lastly I am proud of Lit Circles because I think that I worked really hard on the paragraph wheel. It was hard because I couldn’t remember much the book so it was a little hard but I managed to finish in time!

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