If I had 3 Min to pack up and get away from a wildfire I would bring the blanket that my great grandmother made for me before last year, my first dollar in Canada and my lucky coin.

The reason why I would bring that blanket is because it took her a lot of time to make it and, she is a very important for my German side of the family plus, we know she is going to go away soon so we decided to keep that blanket and pass it down for generations, and right now I am the one who has it so I don’t want to just let it burn because if I let it burn I will have to burn with it.

A reason why I would want to bring my lucky coin is because I only found it 3 months ago when my friend Andy threw the penny in a bush because he knew I wanted it, first I just left it there because I knew he would take the penny from me and throw it away again. So I came the next day took my time to find the penny and after I found it, my luck turned around a little and it got a little better, I started finding more money on the ground… Anyway, let me talk about my first dollar.

It took me a really long time to convince my mom to let me work on stuff and get money to buy a computer only for me myself and I, but after I convinced her it started getting easier and easier, only thing I had to do now was find something we get for free that I could sell (because I didn’t want to be cheap and buy stuff then sell it for a bigger price) so I started selling cookies because my mom works on subway and she gets free cookies, that is how I got my first dollar.

Those are the things i would bring if there was a wildfire (which there won’t)