I like sound mapping and free writes in the park because I get to be alone, and because it’s quiet.  But sometimes I see/hear different things.

Usually, I’m really attached to my friends when we do something. I’m always with them and I don’t do many things alone. I think that I want Ms. Lanaway to take us outside more. At the start of the year, I didn’t like going outside at all, but now I actually really like it. It’s really different because most teachers just give you worksheets and tests to do. In this class, we do most things outside.

I like nature better than the city. Although I don’t like everything in nature, for example, I still hate bugs, especially spiders. The best thing about sound mapping is watching and listening to different things. I heard the sky train so many times it started to get annoying, but when I heard the birds chirping and the wind blowing the leaves, it made me feel happy. The next time I go somewhere far away from traffic in the forest, I’m going to try to do the sound mapping. Then, I’m going to compare the two places of sound mapping and fond the differences! I wonder if it will be very different.