I enjoy going sound mapping because when you sit alone for a while you can hear lots of nature sounds. It’s also really calming.

I hear all sorts of different natural sounds when I am alone with nobody to talk to. I can hear birds chirping and also the wind. I can hear lots of human sounds too. I can hear children talking, the construction site and the cars. In the construction site I usually hear stuff dropping and the site’s machines. Once in a while I hear a bird chirp.

I also like sound mapping because it is calm when you are quiet and alone. Sometimes I enjoy the quiet and peace, but sometimes I don’t. I enjoy it because you can be calm, think and rest.  I don’t like it because if you sit there for more than 15 minutes you get bored and lonely.

I mostly enjoy sound mapping because you can hear stuff you don’t normally hear and it is calming once in a while so you can think in peace and quiet.