I am proud of 4 things this term: art, French, Music and Lit circles.

I am very proud of art because I think that my clay tile is very beautiful because I think I matched my colors quite well and I had lots of fun making it. But most importantly I managed to picture the colors in my head and I managed to make it look good.

 I am also very proud of French because even if we only did a little bit of French this term I think that my French booklet was very simple but colorful considering I was the only one who did the food category. Also I think that my French writing wasn’t that bad.

 I also like music this term because we were learning about notes and how to tell between each note. I had a head start because I play the guitar and I need to be able to read music so I knew the notes very easily, but I still improved because I now do it at a daily basis and also Mr. Ivaz now once in a while he does Mad Minute worksheets. Sometimes I barely make it because Mad Minute seems like Mad 30 seconds.

Lastly I am proud of Lit Circles because I think that I worked really hard on the paragraph wheel. It was hard because I couldn’t remember much the book so it was a little hard but I managed to finish in time!