In term 3, there is lots of things I am proud of, like science, art… almost every subject.

Number one: art, I love doing clay tiles, coloring them, making them in shape, drawing the rough draft for it, every detail. They are so pretty, it was the first time for me playing with clay, so for me it’s the most exciting thing I’ve done in art.

Number two: L.A., this term I really like doing lit circles, we’ve been doing lit circles for so long that I feel like it’s something I should do every day, in this time, I finished lots of books and completely understand how to do skinny and fat question. I also really like doing the paragraph wheel, I like doing writing and typing but at the same time, I am doing drawings at the same time, I really enjoyed looking at other people’s paragraph wheel and seeing what the stories are about, they all seemed very interesting.

Number three: science, we worked on body systems the whole term, learning what it does and why it’s important, I learned lots of things. I like studying for my very first science test, I feel like I enjoyed the moments when I am studying.

Number four: socials, I like learning about the history of Canada and what happened to people who came to Canada, I really like listening to other people saying about what happened and things, it make me learn lots of things, it make me know more about the history of Canada.

Number five: math, I am really happy this term because I think I finally reached my goal! The goal is to get A for math, it was a goal I had starting when I just came to this math group.

I really like the things we did this term, it made me learn lots of things and experience lots of things, I am really like this term.