Here are things I am proud of for Term 3.

First, Art. I like my clay tile. I like to design patterns and shapes. They are so much fun to design. I really like art.

Second, math. I really like math. Part of it is because math usually only have one, directly answer. Math is same everywhere, so it’s easy for me except the words when I just came here. I like geometry because I like angels. I like to put the protractor on the angles and measure it. Math isn’t a big problem for me (once I know what the question meant.)

Thirdly, Lit Circles. I love lit circles because I love reading. I like to think of questions while I read. I like the meetings is because I like to see what is others questions. Often I find really interesting ones. I like the lit circles books too. They are a lot of fun to read. I like especially The Breadwinner and How to steal a dog.

Fourthly, Science. I like to draw out the human body picture. I like to learn new things about our body system. I like to hear others learning too. I like to hear their genius questions and their answers. They are very interesting.

Fifthly, Blogs. I like to create blogs. I like writing stuff. My favourite blog between 5-10 is #7. I like to write goals so I can check it after a while. I reached most of the goals, but some of them I didn’t. I like to write things about our school.

Sixthly, Social Studies. I like the suitcase thing. We wrote in the diary and the newspaper. We also drew and colour the pictures in the newspaper. We wrote about our cultural groups, such as what is it like in our country. I also like to draw the map, finding the cities and color the countries. I like it also is because we can design the compass, we can draw it any way we want. As long as we show the North, East, South and West. Sometimes I do a target, sometimes I do an ice compass.

Lastly, Music. I like to find what note is one which line. I am good at that. Now Mr.Ivaz showed us funny videos and we sang ‘The Child of Universe’, it was fun.