For term 3, I am proud of my lit circles, my science project, my clay tile, and my paragraph wheel.

For lit circles, I am proud of my fat/skinny questions. I think that my questions got better, and juicier. I was also getting more used to my meetings that are every week, or twice a week. Doing my science project was fun and I learnt a lot of new things. When I did science before, our teacher never taught us anything about the human body. So learning about it was very fun and interesting. I loved researching about it but presenting it was very scary. I wish I would have gone in a group, because that ways I wouldn’t have to do everything myself. But I’m still very proud of myself because I think I did well. I also got to learn how to use Counterpoint. The clay tiles we did in class were the coolest things ever! I’m proud of myself because I managed to design/glaze it without it braking. Lastly one of my favourite projects was the paragraph wheel. I spent a lot of time on it, and I also got to work with my friends! Although, it was kind of hard to type inside the triangle, but I’m proud of what I did!

This is what I did that I’m proud of in term 3, I think I did well!