A new community

Why Australia?

Moving to Australia means running towards opportunities and a hot client: Australia is a new contrary witch is growing in jobs and people. Many say that Australia today is like the USA 50 years ago…just full of enthusiasm and opportunity

Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and other Australian cities have a European / North America way of life, offering every kind of service, work, and fun. Quality of life is even better thanks to a lower population density than most cities, low pollution levels and a modern and efficient infrastructure.

Economy and job market

Australia’s economy has been the success story of the last few decades: it’s grown and grown. The majority of people could be described as middle class. Job opportunities are available to everyone; Australia is a more meritocratic country than just about anywhere else. Unemployment rates are very low, and in most cities there is plenty of casual work available, expecially for young Australians and international students. And with the highest minimum wages in the world, even those in casual jobs are paid much more than in Europe. Australia is a good place if you want to find a stable job, and nice climent.


The city I would want to live in, in Australia is Noosa Heads