The best thing that happened to me in term two is getting into my select Eagles team by a long shot, and I have four reasons I would pick this. First of all I really enjoy playing basketball so I enjoy having extra practices and games. Which is also helping me improve, I also think I get a little better every time I play with them. Second everybody on my team is really nice and good, so when I practice with them and I do something wrong people can help me correct it no matter how much times I get it wrong even when the coach isn’t looking. Also when we’re waiting for the next game everybody buys food and shares it with us, and we always joke around when we’re waiting so we can communicate during the game, I’m also making a new friends from my team. Third is because everybody is so good we almost always win which always feels nice. But that’s probably one of my worst reasons because I don’t really care who wins. Lastly it’s because every time I have a game or a practice I get to miss one of my classes like drawing, Chinese, or math. Those are my reasons and I think this is going to be a good year.