If someone new came to my community I would try to make them feel welcomed first. I would bring them to the places that are like the little park I live by or Bonsor. If they liked to go skating I would take them to Bill Complend Sports Center (where I sometimes practice my figure skating) and teach them how to skate. I have went to Bill Complend Sports Center since I was five. I started skating blades one there.

If they went to the same school I did, I would try to be their friends at school also. I might take them to play at my house because then we can play and get to know each other better. I want other people to include the newcomer, too.

The most important part is that the newcomer can find a place to fit into the community. I might take then around the community getting to know my friends and having more fun with everybody. They can have fun while fitting in with their new community.