If I had 3 minutes to pack and evacuate, the special things I would pack are…
My handmade pillow: I would pack this because I’ve had this ever since I was a toddler. Everywhere I go my pillow has to come with me, but not to school or to the mall or anywhere outside of home for that matter because I wouldn’t want people to think I’m crazy or something. My Tablet: I would pack this because even though there won’t be any WiFi if we evacuated, but I still be able to play the games and listen to the music that I have downloaded. Another reason I’d pack this is because dispite the fact that I won’t be able charge it, I need to have something to listen to while I sleep, it helps me fall asleep.My water-bottle: Of course I have to take this because without water you would not be able to survive. Water is important, just like food without it you would die of dehydration and water, even though it is a liquid, it fills you up better than food. Those are the most important and special things I would pack for evacuation.