I would tell him/her to be nice to others, then others will be nice to you. Talk instead of fight. Try to do your best. Try to be an S.T.A.R. Do the homework. Ask teacher if don’t understand. Help others. Try do to the best on English if he/she doesn’t speak English. Step by a step. If she/he spoke Chinese, then it’s a little easy to learn English. Some English words translated to Chines and they sound similar. Try to make some friends even maybe he/she won’t stay here long. More friends means more happiness.

I would let him/her go to Central Park for walking around and visit nature. If he/she comes from China, then they will have a completely feeling. Some places in China had been polluted very badly. Bonser Recreation Complex for playing in the playground or field, and he/she could go  into the building to do some programs like swimming , hip hop, badminton, basketball dancing or singing and many programs. I would tell him/her to go to the Mall. They sell some rings, sandals, clothes, watches, pets and snacks on the 1st floor. There are lots of food in the 2nd floor (Food Court). On the 3rd floor, there are clothes department like Old Navy, Winners and Gap. Also movie theaters. They play popular movies like Star Wars or Zootopia. I would let him/her to go to Maywood, and let him/her to feel what’s like in another country. If he/she comes from China, he/she will clearly feel the difference. The schools in Canada are a lot better than China’s (for me). It’s because that schools in Canada always have field trips and have programs. In China, we barely have field trips or exercises. We never have programs in school. We wake up at 6:00 a.m. and sleep when 10:00 p.m. (Because of homework) and many tests. I would let him/her to walk around more, for that Canada’s environment is really good. He/she can join programs like kids out of rain or Track in Field.