If I had 3 minuets to pack and evacuate, the special things I would bring are my first basketball, my family photo album from China, and my favourite souvenir from China.

I would bring my first basketball because first I could have something to do, second it reminds me of all the good times that my teammates helped me get better. Like the proper rules of basketball, how to dribble, the proper positions, and how to shoot.

I would bring my family photo albums from China because I could see and remember my family members and the good memories that they gave me. Like taking me to cool places, playing with me, and taking care of me when I was a baby.

Lastly my reason to bring my souvenir from China is because my favourite uncle bought it for me when I was four. I’ve kept that souvenir ever since I came back from China, it’s special to me because that uncle passed away last year.

Those are the things that I would bring if I had 3 minuets to pack and evacuate, but I hope I never need to do it.